My moments of fun photos

My moments of fun photos

Below I just want to share some of my fun photos or pics.


fun photos

This Picture was taken in Dominican Republic, in Puerto Plata. I called it my Tour Damajagua 2011


The whole Crew at Damajagua, Puerto Plata in Dominican Republic

The whole Crew at Damajagua, Puerto Plata in Dominican Republic

These are the moments that I appreciate and enjoy in life. Thank God for such great moments and I believe that everyone deserves to live the life of their dreams with family, friends, people that you care about and that you know that deserve better. I’m glad Empower network came along to make that happen for thousands of people. I’m glad that I’m able to share with the world my moments of fun photos.

In the deep with friends. Unforgettable moments. God thanks for making my life and others look magically.Taken at Damajagua, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic

In the deep with friends. Unforgettable moments. God thanks for making my life and others look magically.
Taken at Damajagua, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic

Because my friend, the thing is that everyone deserve to make their dreams come true. God loves us and he wants us to live happy. The thing is we’re blocked with drama, we’re too busy paying attention to how others live their lives instead on focusing on how we live our lives and how we can enjoy the most of it. People are too focus on the news, not knowing that most of things in the news is to distract our minds and turning it into this belief system that the world is a bad place, that everybody is bad and more negativity.

Still making our way up through this natural treasure that God has provided us for our life enjoyment!

Still making our way up through this natural treasure that God has provided us for our life enjoyment!

If people just change their way of thinking the world would be a wonderful place to live in. I want to use as an example my friends David Sharp and David Wood. Dave Sharp was addicted to drugs, was living in the lowest conditions someone could live in. David Wood was living in a van with not even a chance to go lower than where he was.

But something changed… something in their minds said suffer no more , struggle no more and today they are an inspiration to thousands of people because they are one of the very few people that are a living example that by changing your way of thinking and by making a decision that you could live a better life, you could change your life.Today they are multimillionaires helping thousands become financially independent through their company Empower Network or just through how they did it on the internet.

Great Suveniers

Great Souvenirs

I currently live in Alaska but wouldn’t mind another trip to my country Dominican Republic. I sure did had a lot of fun while there. Well as you might’ve noticed, I happen to be an excited member of this Empower Network movement for freedom. Why excited? Well, I finally have found something more than a company or business is a movement. What I mean is that Empower Network is paying me 100% commissions.


On our way to the top of the mountain. How Ironic because with God next to me that’s where I’m going, because my family I love and care about deserves better. People that are struggling trying to make it in this world deserves better. The future is now. We all deserve to have the life of our dreams, but our way of thinking gets on the way. I work from my heart and that what makes me a champion, because I care about people, Thank you Dave & Dave. Thank you Empower Network. Your vision will be carried on generation past generation. Thank you God for Empower Network.

My boo and i having moments of dancing. I just love these moments. and Encourage anyone to join. No excuses allowed though, because is what blocks people from growing.

My boo and i having moments of dancing. I just love these moments. and Encourage anyone to join. No excuses allowed though, because is what blocks people from growing.

That.s right, you get selling rights when you become an affiliate and I get sales while I’m sleeping, while I’m on vacation, while I’m attending college, while I’m enjoying time with my girl, family, friends and people I love to help, and while I’m at work. Be part of this movement that is changing the life of thousands people. I mean I never knew that you could have a business that really run on it’s own on the internet and generate sales on auto pilot.

Great moments in Dominican Republic.

Great moments in Dominican Republic.

If you’re still doubting, I only have thing to say, this is legit, people are earning thousands of thousands of dollars with this freedom movement and is something that is not typical so feel free to check our income disclosure here and see for yourself. Please leave your comments and if you would like to check what all this is about just enter your email on the side or click on the banners, because  the time is now and you deserve better, your family deserves better. Check it out! More fun photos coming up. I just like sharing with world the best moments in my life and how i want to maintain that.

fun photos

get paid.jpeg



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About the author 

Michael De La Cruz

Michael De La Cruz is a husband, digital marketer, and a freedom artist who's dedicated to teaching and helping others how to make money and create success online. 

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