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Make Money Online By Advertising (Step By Step)

make money by advertising
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Hey what's going on this is my Michael De La Cruz from SucceedWithMichael.com

There's a really good chance you want to make money online, right? Well my friend in this video I'm going to share with you a step-by-step method  that's going to show you how to make
money online by advertising
so get ready.

 I remember when I started or before I started this journey... I didn't have any idea how I was gonna be able to make money online. I wasn't in this position I'm in now.  I was in this job that I didn't see myself doing that my whole life.

So I went online to search for ways to make money online and I actually discovered people that were doing it.  I got mentored by the right people that were crushing it onlinethem people  working from the comfort of their homes doing little advertising on the internet.

What You Need In Place In Order To Make Money Online By Advertizing

make money by advertising

So what you're gonna need to make money online is:

1. A product or service that solves a problem 

You need an audience of people that are already searching for this type of product. This is also called a niche. So you need a niche of people that are having problems. This could be people that just want to lose weight, people that just want to learn how to train their dogs or they're cats, or this could be people that want to learn how to dance etc. 

So you need a product or service that solves the problems in that niche.

2. A  way to market these products on the Internet (A system)  

You're gonna need something called a system. I'm gonna call it a high converting system.

What a high converting system does, it simply does the telling and selling on your behalf. Because again... we do this because we want to actually have freedom. Now you don't want to rely totally on the system itself, but you want to focus on only 10% of the work and let the system do 90% of the work. This 10 percent is the advertising part. In other words, you to have exposure.

So you have to expose this product or service to as many people as you can who are already looking for this type of product or service.

 You're going to need something in place that is going to deliver these products to the right audience.  If you go to google.com and you type in you know how to lose weight, how to make money online, or how to dance salsa etc... you're gonna find several people that are actually teaching others how to do this.

3. Learn how to drive traffic

Now, driving traffic or driving visitors into an offer really takes skills. So the third part is learning how to drive traffic and you're gonna learn how to drive traffic into that system. That's what that's really what's gonna help you really get success. You're also gonna see that there are other people searching for the same things  that you're searching for. This is what is called traffic. 

Traffic is simply eyeballs or people on the internet looking for solutions to their problems so when it comes to advertising online, your job is to present this product in front of these people that are already searching for it and it's really as simple as that. Now it is not as easy as it looks.

I said that it's simple but it's not as easy as it looks, especially if you're just starting out. That's why I recommend a method for you to really make money by advertising. You can start by leveraging what we call affiliate marketing. 

Affiliate marketing is simply borrowing somebody else's products and system and getting paid for reffering customers to them. You're using their system that's already proven, and you're really just focusing on that 10%...  

... which is advertising the links or promotional resources that the company that you are partnered or affiliated with, provides. 

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So those are the three components you are going to need to make money online. Once you find an affiliate program that has all of the 3 things you heard and saw in the video already in place, all you do is drive traffic  into component number 2, which is the the system and let the system do the rest for you in an automated way.

Once you find an affiliate program that has a system that does all of these three things on your behalf, then you want to partner with the company. When you make sales of these products or services being offered, the company will pay you commissions. And this is what you
call affiliate marketing.

So the company that you're partnered with, will provide you with promotional material this could be a link, this could be some kind of code that when somebody buys something, it tracks to you. Something that identifies you as an affiliate.

In other words, they'll give you an affiliate ID that will be attached to a link. As soon as you get started you're gonna be trained. This is very important for your success even in the long-term.


You need to be affliated with a company where you're going to have access to mentor or have access to some kind of business plan advisor. They're going to guide you on what to do, you will follow some steps... 

...and once you get trained on what to do, then you're gonna go out there and do what you learned and start you know seeing results online. But if you're starting out, you're gonna need training for this.  

You're gonna need training and what I will recommend for you, is to find a program that actually has:

  • The right training
  • The right people
  • The right environment

That's the key to any success.

If you want to achieve success online then you have to model after successful people that are already  getting results.

So these are my tips for you today, okay?  I hope you got value from this video and blog post.

If you want to know what's my number one recommendation to make money online by advertising through "Affiliate Marketing", go ahead and click here or button below, to learn more.

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You're gonna get access to the information instantly and you'll see what's my number one
recommendation that I've been using to make money online by simply advertising links.

You'll learn how to get the offer to the right audience that is already looking for it. Because these people are looking for the solution. Why not learn how to put that offer in front of them so you can help them and get paid.

If you got value from this, please leave your comments below and let me know what you thought about the video above or blog post. Because I want to offer you a lot of value and I'm here to help you out.

To YOUR success,

Michael De La Cruz

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About the author 

Michael De La Cruz

Michael De La Cruz is a husband, digital marketer, and a freedom artist who's dedicated to teaching and helping others how to make money and create success online. 

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