Have you been wanting to know why start a business? Do you dream of owning your business one day? There are so many benefits if you’re looking to go this route or got started in the past and it didn’t work out for you, but you desire to get going again.
It’s very common for someone to have a goal of starting a business and have all these great ideas in their mind that never see the light. I’ve seen it so many times.
A lot of times people do get started, but then quit within the first year or even within the first week.
Why is that so common though? Well you must know that as soon as you set a goal, you are going to face obstacles along the way.
But, believe it or not you’re going to need them in order to help you become the person you’re meant to be when accomplishing your goal. But, in order to overcome obstacles that comes with starting a business, you have to understand what prevents people from getting started.
(Video) Here are 5 Reasons Why Most People Won’t Start a Business and the Solution To Overcome Them

Ready to start a business that…
– Provides you the flexibility to select the amount of time you intend to take into it?
– Requires just a tiny financial investment to get started?
– Offers an extraordinary item that aids individuals expand as well as develop the life they genuinely want?
– Offers mentoring to assist you through every element of constructing your service, consisting of sales as well as producing a network of people that are delighted to work with you?
– Supplies a thorough training as well as a comprehensive collection of resources that enables you to earn as you learn?
In case you’re a reader here are the 5 reasons again on why people won’t get started. Hope this can truly help you see, hear, and feel the benefit of why start a business.
Reason # 1: Time to Spend – Most people I have talked to, give me this excuse or reason that they don’t have time to start a business when in reality, if you don’t have time in your life to do the things you love doing, that’s a great reason to get started.
Reason # 2: Money to Spend – Most people don’t get started because they can’t afford it. To start a laundry-Mat business would cost you at least $30,000. Now a days you don’t even have to spend that much. What if I told you can start a business for less than $3,000? Â
Shoot, I started mine for $30 and then as soon as I had the chance to upgrade to higher education that would bring me even higher commissions, I did it. But money should not be an excuse to not get started.Â
Reason #3: No Audience – People will not get started because they don’t have people to talk to about their business. They are afraid to talk to family and friends about their dream of starting a business. This could be do to having relatives or friends that aren’t supportive or simply aren’t interested in starting a business with you.
This is very common. Family and friends, believe it or not, are the least to ever support your business. And this is simply because they can’t accept the fact that you’re dreaming big and taking action, and they’re still stuck where they at.
The best way to solve this is to find like minded people that are there to uplift you, support you, and are already looking for people to start a business with or products that you have that would solve their problems.
I personally use the internet to build my audience of people that are searching for solutions to their problems, either by starting a business or getting access to a product or service that will solve that problem.
Reason #4: Have No Product or Service to Offer – Another reason why people won’t start a business is not having a product or service to offer. If this is what’s keeping you from starting a business, I got great news for you.
You don’t need your own products or have a service off bat to start a business.
You can become an affiliate of a company that has the products, the marketing systems, the customer support, the training (I’ll get to this in a bit), and the community all done-for-you.
Reason # 5: Have No Training, No Previous Experience, or No Resources – People fear to start a business because they feel intimidated as they lack skills to get the tasks done necessary to effectively run it and the training or resources aren’t available to them to up their game. What if I told you that you can leverage the time and skills of others and still earn money all while you’re learning from people that are already getting the types of RESULTS YOU WANT.
So Why Start A Business and How Can You?
If you’re serious about starting your business and helping people grow, here’s an opportunity where you can make money every day, build a business that you can escape from, that transforms you, and gives real value to others all while living your dream lifestyle.
This business…
– Offers you the freedom to choose the amount of time you wish to put into it.
– Requires only a little investment to get started.
– Offers an amazing product that assists people learn as well as create the life they really want.
– Offers mentoring to guide you with every facet of building your business, including sales as well as getting an audience of people that are delighted to collaborate with you.
– Provides a thorough training and a comprehensive collection of resources that allows you to earn as you learn.
While I hope this post gave you clarity on why you should start a business, I also hope that the training and program you will get access to above, is a good fit for you. Follow your heart and dreams. Don’t let anyone dim your light!
If you got value from this post, I would appreciate from the heart if you left me some your comments below and share it with others.
You might also like this other post called, “5 Tips To Consider Before Starting an Online Business“
To your prosperity,
Michael De La Cruz