Are you looking to know what is a squeeze page? Well look no more because in this blog post I will share with you how to create one in minutes using a WordPress blog. Check out the video training here:
Squeeze Page Tutorial - How to Create One In Minutes Using A WordPress Blog

(You'll get done for you squeeze pages to start profting online)
So Now That You What Is A Squeeze Page, Here's How To Install One Of My Recommended Squeeze Page Creator Into A WordPress Blog:

So can you see how a squeeze page can help you and your online business? We live in a high Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) space, where everything online is catching our attention.
When you have a squeeze page in place, you're able to follow up with visitors that either didn't have time to watch a full presentation or that person will be ready to get started on a future date.
How To Install The Thrive Architect Plugin To Your WordPress
1. Grab the plugin here at
2. Once you get it, Download the "Product Manager" zip folder to your computer, preferably to your desktop for easier finding.
3. Hover your mouse over Plugins on your worpress blog dashboard, and choose "Add New". Then on your top left hand corner click "Upload Plugin". A window will pop up so you can locate the "Product Manager" Plugin and upload. Worpress will then upload it and install it automatically.
Many people need to be exposed to an offer multiple times... so having a squeeze page in place to capture their information for follow up is essential for online success.
Dedicated to YOUR success,
Michael De La Cruz

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