Hey it’s Michael De La Cruz, and chances are you want to know the secret to self motivation, right? If so, below I got a video I found that will help you become aware of such secret.
So today I got up, opened my email, and saw that my mentor Dave Sharpe, sent me this mind-blowing video on self motivation. I made the decision to watch it and realized the secret myself. I got so inspired by it that I shared it with my wife and she loved it. It started an awesome conversation that made us understand each other more.
Now I want to share this secret with you as I support your dreams and aspirations. So…
… What’s the real “secret” to self motivation and staying motivated, especially when life knocks you down? Here’s the answer:
[sc_fs_faq sc_id=”fs_faq5q1wn8eh6″ html=”false” headline=”p” img=”” question=”What is self motivation?” img_alt=”” css_class=”” ]Ability to do what needs to be done, without influence from other people or situations. People with self motivation can find a reason and strength to complete a task, even when challenging, without giving up or needing another to encourage them.[/sc_fs_faq]
[Video] – The Secret to Self Motivation | One of the Best Speeches Ever

Now that you know the real truth about self motivation, go out there and be unstoppable! Don’t you ever stop fighting for your dreams and do everything you can to get inspired.
You can also find the definition here, “What is self motivation“?
Other than that, if you got value from this, leave me your comments below and share it with others! You may change someone’s by exposing him/her to this secret.
To YOUR success,
Michael De La Cruz

P.S. Discover my secret to financial freedom. Click here for access to full details
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