Hey Michael De La Cruz here and today I wanna talk about how to live your dreams…
Do you have dreams and goals in your life?
Well we all do, but how many of us really go after our dreams? How many of us decide to do something about our struggles or current unpleasant status?

It’s unfortunate to see people quit on their dreams or not start working on achieving them do to the corrupted system we live in. A system designed to keep you broke and away from living your passions. A system designed to keep you in a state of illusion, where we’re taught that in order to succeed, we need to be born with it. And final, but not least, a system designed to keep you from achieving your inner power and FREEDOM.
…I remember a point in my life where if I didn’t go out to hustle something to eat, me and rest of my relatives would not eat for that day.
…I remember a point in my life where me and my cousins had to walk 2 miles each day to get water, to shower and drink.
…I remember a point in my life where I wanted to play professional baseball, but because my arm didn’t allow me to continue on, that was the end of my baseball venture.
But even though all of that happened to me, there was something that kept me going. There was something that no matter how hard I tripped, it kept encouraging to get back up. And I did.
You wanna know what that something was?…
That something was my dreams and desire to live the life I wanted to live, not what others wanted me to live. I prayed to God, higher-self, higher source or whatever you believe in and made a decision that I was going to create a better life for me and and the people around me
After I made that decision and took action, guess what happened….
Opportunities came knocking , my door. I found a way to improve my lifestyle by working in a call center.
See, everything I spoke about above, took place in Dominican Republic, my native country. It was a point in my life where I couldn’t go anywhere, but up. You can learn more about that experience here
To make long story short, through this opportunity, I was able to provide for myself and my family.

It was an amazing feeling that day that I was able to buy my grandma a washing machine. I saw her in pain. Her wrist was swollen as she was determined to do the laundry by hand. It truly broke my heart seeing her that way. She helped survive hunger when I needed her the most. It was time I repaid her back with the same love she showed me.
I was finally living the life I wanted and desired to live.
Thanks to my dreams and not accepting to live a life of hunger and extreme poverty, I learned more about being humble and improved my lifestyle and the lifestyle of everyone around me.
You might be wondering, what this has to do with you and your dreams?
Well let me fast-forward things. In 2012 I finally was able to come back to the U.S. to start from scratch again. I came back with dreams and desires. A year after I came, I’ve gotten my GED. I have married the love of my life. I even put myself through college, not to pursue to build someone else’s dreams working in a job, but to keep the promise of accomplishment I made to myself and to my family back in Dominican Republic.
Ok so here’s the point on how to live your dreams…
When you have dreams and you’re dreaming about the life you would love to live, it doesn’t matter what your background is, what your parents told you, what happened to you, or what other people say.
See your past does not equal the present and what you do NOW determines what you’ll achieve in the future.
Dreams and taking action towards making them a reality is what helps you get through the obstacles that life throws at you. I would have never overcame any of the struggles I mentioned previously. if it wasn’t for going after my dreams and pursuing the things that makes me happy.
So my message to you is that, never quit on your dreams no matter what.
Don’t let anyone or anything convince you that you can’t live your dreams. Because that’s all B.S. Take a look at most successful people. If you learn about their story, you’ll find out that they also had hardship or struggles before ever achieving success.
There will be obstacles I’m not gonna lie, but those obstacles are the lessons that will prepare you to receive what you asked for, the life of your dreams.
Think about it… …if we didn’t have obstacles, how can we ever appreciate or tell that we’re living our dreams?
Did you know that there is a shortcut to achieve your dreams? There is a possibility, that you don’t know as we’re taught to not believe in shortcuts yet we use them everyday.
Let’s take a car for example, when you buy a car, you don’t make the car from scratch. The car is already made for you, all you gotta put in is gas and do some oil change every few months. You see? SHORTCUT.
How about when we go to a restaurant… the food you order comes to you prepared. You didn’t have to make it from scratch. See? We use shortcuts everyday.
There is a shortcut to success too and it doesn’t get any better than what I’m about to share with you below. This is a shortcut I found and that can benefit you and the people around you. LETS LOCK ARMS AND MAKE HIS PLANET A BETTER PLACE!
Ready to step into your power and live your dreams like you mean it?
Have you ever thought of what would your ideal dream day would be like?
What would you tell your spouse or kids when you woke up each day and felt your dream lifestyle?
Leave me your thoughts below… talk about your desired lifestyle… talking about it helps!
To your fulfilled dreams,
Michael De La Cruz