How to Grow Your Network Marketing Business…
Mastering network marketing will not make you an over night millionaire but it will keep you from going down the wrong path. If you have not notice it is easy to go down the wrong path in network marketing. I call going down the wrong path as becoming a pest who has to run around and harass people to make money. Who really wants to be a pest? I don’t even believe in the direct marketing strategy that most network marketing people use. I find it to be inefficient and a waste of time. It also requires that you have a specific personality.
Are You Sick and Tired of not Succeeding in your Network Marketing Business?
We know all about the wrong ways to do network marketing so what are the smarter ways to do network marketing. To me, the smarter ways to do network marketing involves methods where you are not having to beat the pavement or do a lot of face to face work. As I said in the opening, I’m all about efficiency. A business that calls for you to spend hours meeting people face to face is not sustainable– No wonder they bring on so many network marketing agents to do all the work. The myth is that you are suppose to do the same with your downline. You need a downline to use a downline. How interesting…
Discover the Best Way On How To Grow Your
Network Marketing Business
One way to add efficiency to network marketing is to create an automated marketing system. I do this by doing all my marketing on the internet through:
1. Email Marketing
I personally use an Email Marketing tool called GetResponse. GetResponse is software you use to build your list on the internet. This helps you stay in touch with prospects or people interested in receiving more information about your business. When someone subscribes to your list, they’re giving you permission to email them more information about your product, opportunity, service, etc.
2. Blogging
You see how in network marketing you go out to hand out business cards, put banners all over the place, and hunt people down to only cause frustrations and discomfort to them, well, blogging is your business card on the internet except without chasing people and beating yourself in the head feeling guilty. When you add content to a blog, search engine such as Google or Bing, sends people searching for what you blogged about. Â Instead of becoming the hunter, you become the hunted.
For example, if you happen to be part of a network marketing company that offers coffee and you blogged about the problems that coffee causes and then talked about your coffee being the solution, people searching for coffee online will find your content on the internet. They will either subscribe to your list for more information or buy your coffee.
If you notice, each banner placed in this blog post has a lead capture page where you are able to enter your email. Â Once you enter your email you will be directed to an offer of high value to your life. a the same time you enter your email, you will be added to an email marketing software, as mentioned above. This will help follow up with the person that entered their email in exchange of more information about what you’re offering. Â Some people need more info about a company or their product in order to buy, so having a list allows you to stay in touch with them and giving them valuable information in helping them make an informed decision.
The same thing goes if you blogged about your opportunity; they will either subscribe to your list for more information or signup for your business. the point here is that people are already searching on the internet for what your business offers. The cool thing about blogging is that your posts stays on the internet forever.
Imagine getting leads, sales/signups from a post you published 10 years ago. That’s what I call having a business on autopilot, where you make residual income whether you’re sleeping , vacationing, or not. I personally use a wordpress blog created through Hostgator. With my blog I promote my business, offer tips, success stories, and training for both new and advance network marketers.
Most people think that blogging is hard, but the truth of the matter it’s one of the most powerful things you can ever use to grow your business online.
Take a look of how easy you can start growing your business online by having something called a sales funnel

I never need people face to face and I handle all aspects of my marketing on the internet. This has saved me from a lot of heartache and pain. My life is a lot easier this way.
- No more sitting in my car sweating missiles, trying to build up confidence to approach people.
- No more being hung up on with rejection and no chance to help
- No more being limited to family and friends or even location
With the internet I can post 100’s of videos about my products, I can write and buy 100’s of articles about my products. With Google having over 100 million people use their search, someone is bound to find and need what I have to offer. I use the law of averages in my favor to earn money and to save time. You should also do this. I have friends who use social media to get their customers and you should too. The internet is the wave of the future and one of the best ways to promote yourself and your products.
Final Tip on how to grow your network marketing business with less effort
If you wondered how to grow your network marketing business, now you know how easy it is. You now know how to throw out the old fashion ways of marketing. The whole direct sales model is garbage and it takes a skillset that most people do not possess. I know I don’t possess those extrovert skills that are needed to make them work. The internet gives you a better playing field and an opportunity to reach millions of people. It is a no brainer that the internet is better than any face to face method that takes up too much time and produces so little. Go to the internet and you will make money.
Watch this free interview of how a young man went from prison to creating success online:

To your success,
Michael De La Cruz
Let’s connect here!
P.S. If your team isn’t duplicating, here’s another blog post on how to effectively create duplication in network marketing