Want to know how to grow a business? If so, did you know you can grow any business using a blog?
In the video below I’m gonna show you how to grow a business WITH A BLOG:

So to recap from the video, in order to grow a business online with a blog you need…
1.) A blog (“Obviously. lol”) You can get one here Hostgator.com
2.) Look for what people are searching for on Google, using the Google Keyword Planner or Semrush. Look for LOW COMPETITION keywords that solves a problem in your industry. For example, if your industry or niche is making money, then people that want to make money have money problems. So they go to google to search how to make or earn more money. The same thing goes if it’s for weight-loss, personal development, real estates, or internet marketing.
3) Create back-links to your blog content. As I mentioned, back-links are simply having different websites pointing to your site content. When you start to consistently create content and sharing it with your audience, this builds backlinks overtime. Now, it can take time to get enough backlinks to rank to the first page of Google, UNLESS, you pay professional people to build you these backlinks. This will accelerate the ranking of your content and get you traffic (eyeballs) faster.
You can find professional people to both WRITE ARTICLES FOR YOU and BUILD YOU BACKLINKS on fiverr.com.
If you enjoyed learning how to grow a business with a blog, go ahead and leave me your comments below and share this with someone you feel can benefit from it.
Also, If you want to learn how to build a digital marketing business and EARN UNLIMITED INCOME from anywhere in the world, CLAIM YOUR LIMITED-TIME FREE BOOK (you just cover shipping) by clicking the image to your top right of me holding the book.
To YOUR success,
Michael De La Cruz
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