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Bootcamp: 7 Days Profitable Business Blogging 101: Day 1

Bootcamp: 7 Days Profitable Business Blogging 101: Day 1


Welcome to day 1 on the "7 Days Profitable Business Blogging 101".

Last post I covered the The Basics, which you can learn from it here if you missed it: Bootcamp: 7 Days Profitable Business Blogging 101: The Basics <==







Not that long ago I learned that starting a blog is as simple as finding a space online to write – and the time to write.To start though, you'll need to work through a brief list of steps to create your space.


Before you even consider your blog though, you have to think about WHAT you're going to blog about. It’s important to stop and think about your blog, before starting it because, to be quite honest, without purpose, blogs are pointless. And this pointlessness will mess up your message considerably.


So, you need to think about what you're writing and why. Consider your theme – and then build some keywords around it, because for the first little while, you should try to include at least some of them in every post. You'll get archived in all of the right places that way, which will lead valuable NON COMMENT generated traffic to your blog. You'll also be commenting on blogs similar to yours and hopefully, generating more traffic based on the links you leave.


You can choose your topic, keyword, and theme simply by considering what, in connection to your business you're an expert in. Once you've looked at that, you can decide whether it’s profitable, or viable to pursue it.


If not, look at a related area that you can cover – your blog should always relate to your business choices, and give you interested traffic. Having said that, your blog isn't a free advertising system and nothing more – you've got to remember that people will be turned off by blatant advertising.


Choosing your keywords

Keyword Research

Keyword research is relatively simple – you can undertake basic research using the Google Keyword Planner


You can use this to research your general keywords . You need to do keyword research to see what people are searching for. I recommend you use google keyword planner, because it tells you how many times people type a keyword related to what your offer is. 


Maybe you could use a name of a product you might be selling as your keyword or you can use a keyword such as "start a home business". It depends what you're trying to rank. Niche blogs can earn well.


Once you've found a profitable overall keyword, you'll need to check out your competition. I currently use Traffic Travis, which is a tool that you can use to measure competition of keywords and lets your research them too. They have a free version, which is the one I use.

Though considered less effective now – it’s still a good tool for finding your competition levels. You'll be able to assess your competition – basically, you're looking for a niche that's either tiny, if it’s narrow, or large, if it’s broader. Your narrower niches can only support a tiny amount of blogs – whereas the broader your definition, the more your niche will support – but the flip side to that, is that you've got more competition.


Once you've worked out your profitability, and competition, you can also use the keyword search at Google Keyword Planner to evaluate your other keywords (and get an idea on where to start blogging from).

You can place that information in a spreadsheet for reference – or use programs like article architect to extend on your research (affiliate link for article architect)
Once you've made a list of your keywords – and paced them into a spread sheet, you can take your research a step further. Article architect does it for you, but if you've not got that piece of software, or a similar one that researches keywords, you can do it manually.


Open up both Google and Yahoo, and start plugging your keywords into it – at the top you'll see a listing 1 of (a number) – you can then divide your 'competition' number by the total of your searches (a number) – that will give you a rating for that keyword – and the keyword with the 'best' ratings are the ones you'll probably want to focus on.



The reason you're doing this is to see where your keywords will have the best chance of ranking – you'll be able to find the best place to 'position yourself' this way.


Keep those keywords handy – you'll need them when you start writing content.


Got your keywords? What do you want to blog about?


Once you've got your keywords, you'll have an idea, at least, of the profitable areas of your niche that you can take advantage of. You'll be able to choose an interesting niche – for both you to write in, and your prospective readers.


You'll find that you can narrow it down pretty easily based on what you've got on your keyword lists – and what YOU feel like you want to write.


While its important to work out what you want to do with your blog, based on your view of profitability it’s also important to remember that working based on keywords alone is a sure fire way to build an impersonal, and possibly unmotivated blog for your readers.





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About the author 

Michael De La Cruz

Michael De La Cruz is a husband, digital marketer, and a freedom artist who's dedicated to teaching and helping others how to make money and create success online. 

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