Here's A Bit About Him...

Dear Friend,

Meet Michael De La Cruz (Me),

Back in 2012 I didn’t have a clue about being an entrepreneur. I found myself stuck feeling like a zombie.  All I knew was that something needed to change. My relationship with my wife, my life-force, and overall, my lifestyle was being drained by constant stress.

Maybe you may or may not relate to what that feels like. Waking up each day, feeling like a zombie; being in a place in life filled with uncertainty and anxiety.

It wasn't until one day that I decided that enough was enough and went poking the internet for ways to improve my life and fix my life.

To fast forward, I found entrepreneurship, online marketing, and genuine people that taught me the success principles that got me to be the person I am today.

I found mentors that guided me to getting into the right path of success and ultimately on the path to learning the necessary skills to launch businesses and help others along the way.

My first mentor and business partner is a guy named Dave, and ever since I started this journey, I haven't looked back as I got my time back doing the things I love doing.

David Sharpe and Michael De La Cruz (Me) at 2018 Sales & Marketing event in Florida.

In 2016 my wife Krist was diagnosed with a brain tumor and thanks to the decision I made to work for myself and along her side, I was able to be there for her and experience her recovery after her surgery. It's been a rewarding and miraculous journey.

We now spend more time together, work doing what we love, and travel together as a family all while serving others, learning new things each day, and overall, growing together. 

I've  been blessed with a beautiful and and incredible wife from the inside out. She's one of my main whys in life.

I get to spend quality time with her, build a thriving online business, serve my community as a barbering business owner, and truly embrace life and and help others along the way. 

My goal is to inspire others and make a difference by being that difference.

And that's been my journey towards getting into the path of long-term success. So a lot of growth and lessons learned and continue to learn each day. It's why I'm so driven to do what I do and lead others by example.

“If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and model what they do and you’ll achieve the same results.”

Despite what anyone else says, there are 3 fundamentals things you need in place to achieve long-lasting success despite your challenging circumstances in life:

1. The right people that have your highest and best in mind.

2. The right information to achieve your success goals.

3. The right environment to effectively learn these success principles.

Do You Want Follow The Same Step-By-Step Process I Used To START A HIGHLY PROFITABLE ONLINE BUSINESS In Just Days? 

From the heart,

Michael De La Cruz

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How To Start A Profitable Online Business Starting Today...