Ready to start profiting online? If so you found the right place to do it. Most people that are stuck and struggle to make a dime online in their home business is because they don’t have these important ingredients to succeed online.
If this is you, on this post I’m going to share with you 5 ingredients I highly recommend you get your hands on to earn a full time income in an online business from the comfort of your home.
How to Make Money Online From The Comfort Of Your Home – 5 Ingredients

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Not having these 5 ingredients in place is what keeps most people stuck and broke when it comes to building a profitable online business.
What Are The 5 Ingredients To Profiting Online?

1. A Quality Product (or Products) To Sell
Part of profiting online is having the ability to create quality products that solves poblems in a chosen niche.
2. A Way To find Interested People To Buy The Product(s)
Here’s the thing, you can have the best products in the world, but if you don’t have people that are even interested in those products, you’re not going to make sales.
3. Website Pages (Sales Funnels) & Copywriting For Each Page
The Sales Funnel
You probably heard of sales funnels or copy-writing. If not… it’s ok. Let me give you my simple definition for each term. A sales funnel is simply this:
- Create – You create an offer on a page to attract interested visitors (LEADS)
- Capture – Lead showed interest and provides you with their contact info such as an email in exchange of what you’re offering
- Convert – A lead then buys something they found helpful to them from you. In other words, an interested person went from being a lead to now becoming a customer through a sales process.
This is what a sales funnel does. It converts leads into sales and if you want to start profiting online HUGE, you MUST have this componet in place.
Copy-writing on the other hand, is the ability to write persuasive content or the use powerful words in order delivers the message you’re wanting to communicate with a reader. This is a high paying skill that eventually you must master.
4. A Follow-Up Series Of Email For Your Prospects
A lot of website visitors you get into your sales funnel will not purchase your offer for many reasons. They got busy and didn’t have time, they need more info about your products and it can help them, or they still don’t know, like, and trust you yet… meaning they don’t know who you are yet.
This is where a follow-up series through email comes into play. If you haven’t yet, make sure you get used to the term “the money is on the follow-up”.
5. Domain Name & Website Hosting
Not going to go into much details about this as it’s a little bit technical. Im simple words, you must have a www and a platform to display your www.
Why Wait… Start Profiting Online While You Learn
To conclude, these are the 5 ingredients you’re gonna need in place if you profiting online big is what you want. These five ingredients is what you must master eventually. There’s no way around it my friend.
But luckily, you don’t have to wait to master them in order profit. In fact when I started, I didn’t know understand much about it and I was making sales and getting signups on complete autopilot. This was possible because I partnered up with a transparent company that had all these 5 components already created.
My only task was to drive traffic to a web page that the company already created and tested. When a visitor purchased something, I profit. In other words, the company paid me for referring them customers. Eventually I learned and continue to learn how to master the 5 ingredients mentioned above.
To YOUR Success,
Michael De La Cruz