It’s unfortunate but truthful the number of individuals out there looking out to rip people off with their work from home scam or should I say scams.
It’s also unfortunate that this has affected legitimate business opportunities and has forced people to stay in pain and lose hope.
Now, luckily there is hope and there is a way to avoid these scammers and fraudsters. The task of identifying and determining which opportunities are in the lookout to rip you off or take your money away, can be very challenging, but with proper knowledge you can identify it and make an informed decision.
If you’re currently looking to work from home or are currently in the direct business market, here are…
3 ways to identify a work from home scam…

… and tell the difference between the good work from home companies and the individuals who are only out to scam you.
1) Exaggerated Claims- One of the most common themes presented in a work from home scam is the exaggerated claims they present you regarding their opportunity. These people promoting the scam may promise you overnight riches or that you can make thousands in minutes. It’s a good chance that you have heard them all before.
Many of these companies would also declare that their programs are supported by celebrities or other famous people. Understand that these are psychological tactics to get you hooked and use your desire or desperation to earn a huge income, but without any effort from your part.
Look… the only place that success comes before work is in the dictionary. So if you see an opportunity that promises that you will make thousands of dollars in minutes, DO NOT FALL FOR IT! That’s BIG red flag.
I personally recommend programs that provide some type of income disclaimer and that makes people aware that it takes effort and that IS NOT a get rich quick scheme. I work with 6-7 figure earners and they all told me that it took them some time before they started making a significant income.
Some of them 1 week, some of them 3 weeks, some of them a month, a few months and others years. You must understand that there are skills behind getting sales, recruiting, getting leads, etc. Not everybody learns at the same rate.
Not everybody is willing to learn something and take action. This is why results vary or why it takes some people more time than others to achieve their desire results.
2) Weird or Confusing Payment System- This is another major work from home scam characteristic. This one involves cashing checks and making purchases. Usually the scammer will contact you by email, offering you some crazy rate of pay for whatever amount for a personal assistant position.
When you accept the offer, they will send you checks to cash, send them the balance, and either have you keep a certain amount or have you make purchases and send them to addresses the provide.
These checks happen to be fraudulent and you will be accounted responsible for paying them when they bounce. Be careful and avoid companies that offer opportunities that involves you cashing checks or money orders on behalf of third parties.
3) High Demand- Another scam in your face is the claim that there is a huge market for the product or service when truly there isn’t. You see this a lot with certain companies that offer educational products.
They promise you that by learning the skills taught in their products, you will have work from home companies lined up to hire you for it. I highly suggest you do your research to determine if it is true that there is a demand for the skill. I personally use the Google Keyword Planner to check what people are searching for on a monthly basis. It’s free and all you need is a Gmail account.
Always make it a habit or better yet a policy to research every work from home company or opportunity before you invest your cash in it. Look for good reviews.
To learn about my top recommended legit program to allow you to work from home effectively visit this website here.
The purpose of this post is to help you make an informed decision. I’m sick and tired of seeing people get fooled by certain individuals and also sick and tired of all those emails promising overnight riches.
A true business and a person with integrity and ethics is not involved in such activities .
Hope you got a ton of value from this post. Leave me your comments below.
Sincerely from the heart,
Michael De La Cruz

Good job on helping people identify scams Micheal. It is so important that people do not invest in the wrong ventures. Keep up the good work and go out there and live unstoppable!
Thanks Rhonda for your input! Will do! I’m on unstoppable mode!