Are you looking to make extra money from home? Well look no more because I recorded a video where I’m going to show you everything you need to know to start earning from home and while having a life…
…Check out the video:
3 Simple Steps To Make Extra Money From Home While having a life

So the steps to make extra money from home again are as follows:
- Get traffic– These are visitors or eyeballs on the internet already looking for what you offer
- Get Leads– From the traffic you want to generate leads or build a list of an audience that you can talk to about your product, message, service, or opportunity.
- Get sales– Those leads will buy from you because they see the value it will bring into their lives. This value can be simply helping them solve a problem (money problem, weight, etc)
If you got value from this post and learned the 3 steps to make extra money from home leave me your thoughts on the comments below.
To YOUR success,
Michael De La Cruz
Hey Michael, love your blog, the clip didn’t work unfortunately, but bless you… you also have text, so I could read it, fabulous.
I think this is more than a ‘make extra money’ blog, I think it can replace any income. Thanks for sharing!
Anita Vroonland
Hey Anita thanks for your thanks for checking it out! You’re right, this CAN replace ANY income indeed! Appreciate you!!!
Great post here Michael. Good video. Keep up the work and live unstoppable!
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